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John Timothy Kelly Stearne

Here are some memories from his family and friends, for his family and friends.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Joyce Donald Remembers Kelly

As you know Kelly knew Gary long before I was in the picture. They had a relationship that was pure crazy friendship. Nonjudgmental, as neither one was a saint by any means but in heart pretty darn close. It was a blast and a rare (as in nothing like it) occasion to share several weekends with the Scuttlebutt gang in their Calgary Condo.
My parents warned me about hanging out with the likes of these fellows but sometimes our hearts let us see deeper into the true character when we allow it. Even my parents grew to love these characters! From mixed curling bonspiels, camping(and getting kicked out of Crimson lake campground annually), groomsman at our wedding, getting taken in by the Stearne family as newlyweds in Calgary, being there to celebrate every milestone such as eight births, Kelly has earned a permanent spot in the Donald Family. Every child of ours knows how much he truly cares about each one of them. Even our Grandchildren have books that will keep his memory and smiles on our faces for the rest of our years as we read to them.

With heavy hearts we say farewell but celebrate a life well lived with joy and adventure. We love you and cherish the time and friendship that we were given through you.

Until we meet again Kelly alias Shoosh Mogleman,


Joyce, one lucky gal that is so fortunate to be able to be called a friend of yours.

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