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John Timothy Kelly Stearne

Here are some memories from his family and friends, for his family and friends.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Streaking was a thing back in the 70s.  For some reason taking all of your clothes off and running around or through some place was fun.


Kelly got involved early, and apparently set some kind of record for streaking on the coldest night every recorded (-30C).  I was there.  Two carloads of boys drove up to CFCN. Three or four guys stripped off and tried to run through the TV station.

But the night didn't quite go as planned.

Problem One - The doors to the station were locked, so all the guys could do was smile and wave at the receptionist, and run around outside in the freezing cold.

Problem Two - Kelly jumped into the wrong getaway car.  His clothes were in one car and I was driving the other.  So I had a naked brother sitting in my back-seat.  At least the car was warm.

Problem Three - The CFCN news guys thought this might be a story, so they hopped in a car and gave chase.  We must've driven 40 kms than night, in the freezing cold with a naked guy in the back-seat, until the news crew gave up.


This was another night that didn't quite go as planned.  A group decided to streak through a local restaurant.  Things went smoothly to start off.  The group of 5 went in the front doors, ran past the reception counter, then through the restaurant and out the fire exit.  Well 4 of us did.  Rick for some reason tried to do a second lap of the restaurant, and headed back for the front door.  The manager grabbed him, tossed him in the freezer and called the cops.  A good friend of mine (part of the organising committee) was incensed that Rick had been mistreated and that the police were going to arrest him.  We'll call this guy Lars, and he started to argue with and threaten the manager and even the constables that had turned up. As Lars remembers this episode, Kelly was able to drag him away just before the cops decided they would arrest him as well as naked Rick.

University Heights

Yet another streaking episode that didn't turn out as some had planned.  On this night Kelly, me and two other guys were out.  One of the guys had never streaked and was a bit nervous.  The ring-leader on this night persuaded JM and me to do a bit of a residential streak in University Heights.  There was snow all around and it was well below zero.

JM and I stripped off and went for a run down the street and around the corner for about 200 metres.  We turned around and ran back the car ... except there was no car.  Kelly and DB had driven off and left us stranded.  There was nowhere to hide and nothing much we could do except wait for them to have their laughs and come back.

I'm sure it was only 5 or 10 minutes, but it felt like hours.  Then we saw headlights coming.  Relief!  Until we saw that it wasn't our car with our clothes.  It turned out to be a guy we'd both gone to high school with and his girlfriend.  JM and I tried to be very nonchalant, you know like we often ran around naked in the suburbs at night in the middle of winter.

The conversation went something like:

Gary (the driver) - Hey JM and Dave!  Haven't seen you since high school.  What're you guys doin?

Me - Oh, we just went of a bit of a streak, you know.

Girlfriend - Where are your clothes?

JM - They're in the getaway car.

Everyone looks around as if we've all somehow failed to notice another car.

Girlfriend - Well, where is it?

Me - Our friends have driven off as a bit of a joke and left us.

Girlfriend - Aren't you cold?

Me - (Glancing down) Well yeah!

Gary's lovely girlfriend wanted to take us home to her place as she thought her Dad had some clothes that would've fit us.  That would've been interesting ... "Dad I found these two naked boys out in the snow, can they borrow your pants?".

In any event Kelly and DB did turn up both laughing their heads off at JM and me.  Kelly had a wicked sense of humour.

I'm not saying the guys in these pictures were involved ... but one or two of them might've been.

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