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John Timothy Kelly Stearne

Here are some memories from his family and friends, for his family and friends.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

You wait here ...

Everyone I know loves this story about Kelly travelling in Hong Kong with his mate Jimmy.  The boys ventured into a Go-Go bar and bought themselves a couple of beers.  The bar girls were very friendly, so they order a round of drinks for them as well.  
After two rounds, Kelly suggests it might be time to head off.  The bill arrives and the beers are $50 each and the ladies drinks about the same.
Kelly is outraged and swears there is now way he is paying $100 for two beers.  So he storms off and as he’s headed for the door he shouts out to James;
“You wait here, I’ll get the police!”
I think Jimmy paid.  Cheers.

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